Services For Children, Teens And Adults Living With Their Families

JARC serves hundreds of families that have a child with any disability or an adult with a developmental disability living at home.

Services include:

  • Respite Care

  • Preparation for Residential Placement

  • Social and Recreational Programs

Respite and/or Community Living Supports

Our Respite/CLS Program utilizes specially-trained staff.  Respite/CLS staff provide families with a much-needed break from caring for their children with disabilities.  They also teach skills and work on goals as outlined in the person's service plan.  Respite/CLS staff will help the person participate in community activities and are trained to provide some medical assistance, as needed.

Preparation For Residential Move

JARC provides information and support for an eventual move into a JARC group home, transition home or to live in one's own home.  We can help parents and families develop short- and long-term plans for their children and can discuss the importance of estate planning and governmental benefits.

Families can also schedule a visit to one of our homes or programs to get a first-hand look at our top-notch services.